My Publications

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Uysal U, Landazuri P, Pearson C, Mittal M, Hammond N. Unexpected Aphasia
following Right Temporal Lobectomy as Treatment of Recurrent Super-Refractory
Status Epilepticus. Case Rep Neurol. 2017 Aug 23;9(2):195-203
Uysal U, Quigg M, Bittel B, Hammond N, Shireman TI. Intravenous anesthesia in
treatment of nonconvulsive status epilepticus: Characteristics and outcomes.
Epilepsy Research, 2015 Oct;116:86-92.
Fife TD, Moawad H, Moschonas C, Shepard K, Hammond N. Clinical perspectives on medical marijuana (cannabis) for neurologic disorders. Neurology Clinical Practice, 2015Aug;5(4):344-351.
Nicol A, Hammond N, Doran S. Interdisciplinary management of headache disorders, Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management, Volume 17, Issue 4, October 2013, Pages 174-187.
Link to Dr. Hammond's Pubmed Bibliography:
Published Abstracts and Poster Presentations
Mantilla E, Ulloa C, Hammond N, Uysal U. Pre and post knowledge of issues regarding epilepsy and pregnancy: a learning tool assessment. AES 2017 Annual Meeting Abstract Database.
Alonso-Labori E, Landazuri P, Camarata P, Pearson C, Hammond N, Nazzaro J, Ulloa C. The renewal of an urban epilepsy surgery program. AES 2017 Annual Meeting Abstract Database.
Bittel B, Uysal U, Hammond N. Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus: A Case Cohort. 3.156, 2013. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, December 6-10, 2013 Washington DC.
Hammond, N, VideoEEG Monitoring Safety at a Tertiary Epilepsy Center. Poster Presentation, American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA Neurology. 2013;80 (Meeting Abstracts): P06.172.
Hammond, N, Dubinsky, R. Safety of Video-EEG Monitoring from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Poster Presentation, Platform Presentation, AAN Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2012. Neurology. April 26, 2012; 78(Meeting Abstracts 1): S46.003
Invited Lectures
EEG Monitoring in the ICU. Neurology Update 2017. Overland Park, KS. November 4, 2017.
Epilepsy 101 and Adult Epilepsy Case Studies at Epilepsy: A Symposium. Epilepsy Foundation. Wichita, KS, April 21, 2014.
Protecting Your Reputation as a High Quality Physician. American Academy of Neurology Practice Management Webinar Series. Webinar, October 29, 2013.
Update on Women and Epilepsy. University of Kansas Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds. Kansas City, KS. August 30, 2013.
Epilepsy 101, Women and Epilepsy, and Adult Epilepsy Case Studies at Epilepsy: A Symposium. Epilepsy Foundation. Topeka, KS, April 13, 2013.
Traumatic Brain Injury. Eastern Kansas VAMC Grand Rounds. Topeka, KS. February 10, 2011.
Neurological Complications of Nutritional Deficiency. University of Kansas Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds. Kansas City, KS. July 9, 2010.
Special Problems of Women in Epilepsy. University of Kansas Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds. Kansas City, KS. February 12, 2010.
Special Problems of Women in Epilepsy. 6th Annual Symposium on Problems in Epilepsy Care. Kansas City, MO. October 25, 2008.
Bone Density in Neurology Patients- why should we worry? University of Kansas Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds. Kansas City, KS. March 14, 2008.